Why you need Affirmative Action Programs?


Are you searching for a affirmative action vendor? Well! This is where your search ends! FACF (First Advantage Consulting Firm), founded in 1984, is a leading affirmative action vendor and provides, consulting services in many areas, Affirmative Action Outsourcing, Training, Investigations, Mitigation’s, Engagement Surveys to the Human Resources community throughout the entire United States and Puerto Rico. During this time First Advantage Consulting Firm has become known as an Industry Leader in affirmative action plan outsourcing.

Here are some of the top main reasons the U.S. still Needs Affirmative Action

Affirmative action dates back to the 1960s when President Kennedy signed an executive order requiring all those who contracted with the US Government to take steps to make sure that all employees (and those seeking employment with the contractor) be treated without discrimination due to race, creed, color or national origin.  The requirements were later amended to prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex.

America is still a class, gender and race-based society where it is easier to get ahead if you are white, male and middle class. Studies have shown that people with ‘black’ names find it harder to get a job interview than those with ‘white’ names and where women are still in the minority in the senior ranks of the professions, affirmative action is sadly still a necessity.

1) Affirmative Action Safeguards Diversity

America is a nation that is growing more and more diverse.  Non-Hispanic whites are projected to be in the minority of the US population by 2050.

2) Affirmative Action Ensures Qualified people get the job. 

3) The diversity arising from affirmative action will spur innovation

Analysis of companies that actively promote diversity shows that they benefit from increased freedom of thought within their teams coupled with and assisted by a greater cross-pollination of ideas and an improvement in corporate cultural intelligence. This only works, however, if the organization in question creates a working environment where new ideas are nurtured,and workers are encouraged to discuss them openly.

4) Diversity makes good financial sense

Basically, put when companies that look like their customer base do much better in the marketplace.  As America changes companies need to do so as well it has been stated there is a 95% higher return on equity for public companies with a diverse executive board when compared to those without one.

Diversity has also been shown to make it easier to recruit ‘top talent’ which in turn encourages l employees to stay with the company leading to a loyal, productive and innovative workforce.